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President special message

A ‘Special’ message from the President: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Credit Association of Greater Toronto, I would like to convey a sincere thank you to all our members, guests and sponsors that both supported and attended our events this past season. This event year was clearly one of the most…


IFRS – 9

THE RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES   What is IFRS 9? “IFRS” is an acronym for “International Financial Reporting Standards”.  IRFS 9 is an international accounting standard established by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board).  It requires assets to be valued prospectively, or looking forward, rather than retrospectively, or based on historical performance.  It applies to all…


premium membership

Want $100.00? A quick survey of our members confirmed that everyone loves to save money! We’re introducing a new Premium Membership for the Credit Association of Greater Toronto. Six dinner events are included for a total savings of $100.00. It is an opportunity for your firm to save money and for us to recognize the…


Season’s Greetings from the President

As 2017 quickly comes to an end, I can’t help but to reflect on the many personal and professional milestones of this past year, of which, one is the privilege of serving as the President of this long-established association. It is with great honour that I am sending this year’s holiday season message to our…
